if ( function_exists('register_sidebars') ) register_sidebars(2); ?> CHAOTIC MOMENTS WHEN MY HARD DISC CRASHED! | INSIGHT CRIZ


applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Dec 25th, 2009 | Filed under: awareness, internet, life, rant, solutions, technology

I was working on a few projects with tight deadlines and suddenly my hard disc decided to create havoc with the appearance of lots of bad sectors. Most of the files I was working on during that one week were as good as useless. No matter what software I had used to recover the data, they did not produce any positive results. Even trying to transfer the data to my backup hard drive was near impossible. It was a frustrating moment for me as the last backup I had done was months ago. I was as good as dead as every work that I had done after that strike remained inaccessible.

In the end, it took me weeks just to transfer any usable data manually to my new backup drive. It was a tedious job as I had hundreds of folders around and each corrupted file within each folder would not allow me to backup my data properly. Luckily my hard disc was still within the warranty period but that would not mean that scenario like this would not reoccur in the near future. There would still be the risks involved in losing important documents.

I was glad I was one of the seasoned workers who could get a job done within the shortest period of time, without even tarnishing the company’s reputation. To me, this experience was a loss to the company’s chances to profit from more projects. Valuable time had been wasted due to a minor overlook on proper backup systems. The company should have taken up the proposed online backup offer a few months back. As a result, I would not have had such chaotic moments recreating all the work I had done.

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