Written by crizlai on Jun 9th, 2008 | Filed under:

When was the last time you ever contacted your Dad? Have you even notice that he has aged a lot. Did you give him a hug recently? Do you realize that this coming Sunday, 15 June 2008 is Fathers’ Day? If you have not done so, please go over to pay him a visit not only this Sunday but many days after that. All fathers, whether they are your biological one, adopted one or even someone you respect as a father figure, would love to get at least some acknowledgments.
Some of you may choose to spend this special day with your father by buying him gifts, cook something special for him or even take him out for a nice meal. When it comes to deciding what sort of gift for him, many of us will be stressed out as shopping for some fathers could be rather hard. Gifts for fathers should reflect the personality of the father. It could also be something that can bring back memories of the bond between you and your father. As for me, I would prefer to give my father a red packet as in the Chinese custom. It symbolizes longevity, health and prosperity. At least he can spend the amount on whatever he wants. Some will give him some shopping vouchers, vacation tickets or even engraved pens if he is still in the corporate world.
Not all fathers are so materialistic as to demand for something of monetary value. There are many things that he cannot do physically now and a simple gesture of helping in household chores would be of value to him. They do not expect much from their children since most of them have grown up and have their own lives. A simple gesture of a long loving hug and some quality time spent together will be much appreciated.
Fathers are also human beings with feelings. He will feel unappreciated for the sacrifices he has made throughout your growing up years. Do not make your father feel so inferior in his life for feeling the rejection from you. Show him what you can do by showering him with your endless love. Let him know that he is always being remembered by you. Prove to him that you are still a filial child not only on Fathers’ Day but also for many years to come.
I love you Dad…Happy Fathers’ Day
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

I had just learned from a seminar not long ago that no matter how rich or poor we are, we should contribute something within our means towards those less fortunate than us. That was what I did for those victims of the recent natural disaster down in Myanmar where it was hard hit by Cyclone Nargis.
The whole country was badly affected with ten of thousands of people, especially those from the remote parts of the country being made homeless without food and clean water. The sight and stench were quite unbearable with many animals and human bodies scattered all over the ruined crops and contaminating the water supplies. Many of the victims were still in shock as they have lost their families, relatives and friends in the worst disaster in their history.
The victims have lined up in most parts of the road in hope of getting relieves from donors. Life had been hard on them as their future is now in the dark. They do not even know when and how the next meal would be there for them. Together with a group of donors, we managed to deliver some food supplies and clothes in secured shipping boxes to the country. Some of the contributed items included rice, biscuits, instant noodles, dried fish and bottles of drinking water.
It was truly heart breaking to see the cyclone victims being forced to live by the streets. If you have the compassionate heart to help them, do whatever within your means to help relieve their lives. They really need you now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 30th, 2008 | Filed under:

Nuffnang again proved itself to be the best in the Malaysian/Singapore blogging community. The last costume related event during the screening of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” was a hit. Now, it gets even better with the sponsorship of Maxis Broadband and Modesto’s to hold yet another great event for the community this coming 21 June 2008 at Modesto’s/Rain, Desa Sri Hartamas, from 6.30pm until 10.00pm. The theme is “Wild Live Animal Costume Blogging Party”
What will make this coming event interesting is that you can enjoy yourself being wild and at the same time blog about it LIVE, with your own laptop of course. The best live blog amongst the rest will get the chance to win a Sony PSP. Moreover, the best costumed King and Queen of the Jungle will get to bring back Dell XPS M1330 laptop each. These are not the end. You can even win many more prizes for having the Most Creative Post, the Worst Recognizable Animal Post and the Oddest Place for an Animal Post.

I would not want to be a bore by wearing just an animal print t-shirt. Catwoman? Maybe getting one of those sexy costumes might pay off to win me a free laptop, but then I do not have the “body” for that. Haha! Now I am scratching my head on what costume that I can wear for the party. Simba? Pumba? Alvin & the Chipmunks? Garfield? Odie? Well, I have no idea yet and your guess is as good as mine. It’s going to be a surprise!
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 10th, 2008 | Filed under:

Everybody would love to read about a few mystery cases on and off. The CCSI Little Production Studio had decided to use my script for their newest production scheduled to be released on 10 & 11 May 2008. CCSI means Cat/Canine Crime Scene Investigation. It is all about furry animals dressed up in human forms and solving crime scenes. This is going to be yet another great production ever produced since the studio’s last two successful productions from last year onwards.
The latest production would be called CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper, written by yours truly from Malaysia, directed by Opus & Roscoe from Italy, produced by Sassy & her Little Productions Team from USA, and marketed by Momo from Australia. This production will feature many talented furry animals such as cats, dogs and bunny throughout the blogosphere.
Do not miss the opportunity to spend some value time with your mother this weekend, celebrating Mothers’ Day and at the same time enjoy the mystery story line of the case. Please make a mark on your calendar now as the production will be aired for two consecutive days starting from 10 May 2008 at Sassy’s site.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Apr 13th, 2008 | Filed under:

When was the last time you actually donated something for a worthy cause, whether it is in monetary forms or in kinds? If it has been ages, then you should start considering doing your bit in helping those in need out there. There are many non-profit organizations out there which require your donations, mostly in monetary forms. But I have come across one organization with a unique concept of donation. You can donate in kinds and yet still get full legal IRS tax deduction.
Have you heard about the angelic organization who called themselves the Car Angel Ministries (www.carangel.com)? Not only can you donate car, you can even donate boat, truck, trailer, RV, tractor, motorcycle or plane which you no longer utilize them. They will arrange for the sales of your donated items and generate the funds to either your preferred beneficiary or their own which includes helping out single mothers, orphans, homeless, teen and adult rehab, as well as prison reform.
One of their current projects is to create animated children’s DVDs, anti-drug movies and prison literature to be distributed free in the USA to create the awareness on rightful living values. Don’t you feel great that just by donating one item and you can help thousands of lives? Maybe you would like to watch their YouTube clips on how wonderful their movies are.
“Help Us Help Others”
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?