if ( function_exists('register_sidebars') ) register_sidebars(2); ?> I AM GETTING ITCHES ALL OVER MY BODY! | INSIGHT CRIZ


applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Jan 23rd, 2010 | Filed under: awareness, environment, health, life, living

Oh no! What have I eaten this morning that caused my whole body to itch nonstop? It couldn’t have been the slightly toasted whole meal buns I had with a little spread of butter for breakfast. I had those for breakfast almost daily. I’m so sure those extra spoonfuls of cereals I had added to my hot chocolate did not do any harm either. Neither would a few slices of honey melon in my diet would be blamed for the allergy. What could it be then? It really baffled me.

Recently, I had many encounters with such bad experiences. I would get this great deal of misery and discomfort and the next day it would just disappear. It’s just too mysterious! I tried tracking my food consumption but without any strong evidences that the food intakes were the culprits behind my allergies. It could be just anything from harmless food, bug bites to air pollutants. At times, while sitting down my work place, I would suddenly have runny nose after some stretches of irritated eyes. That’s really weird as the whole working environment was in an extreme clean state with no one being sick either.

Since these frequent allergies did not happen at the same place, I could be certain that it’s some unknown allergens flying around the environment. Thus, this triggered my Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody to fight against these invading substances by releasing further body chemicals which would result in an allergy reaction. I guessed it’s time I should seek an alternative allergy relief to ascertain a cleaner environment for me to live or work in. At least, I would be free from any more allergy attacks.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?

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