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Archive for the ‘sales’ Category


Written by crizlai on Jul 2nd, 2009 | Filed under: announcement, ecommerce, internet, lifestyle, rant, sales


Well, I won’t deny that I’m also a sales addict. LOL! Each time when there’s an ongoing sale, regardless of which seasons, I would surely be one of the first few to jump in to have a look at what bargain I could get. Of course, that would be the online sales sites such as eBay, Amazon, Buy and many other wonderful websites as I somehow have the phobia in “fighting” with others when grabbing items in a real sale. Moreover, you can imagine the condition of the sale items with scratches from all the handlings.

I personally felt that I prefer online sales more than anything else although it might take a longer period to reach my hands. However, with my hectic working schedules it indeed save a lot of time and money. All I need to do is to hook up the internet, browse whatever I want to get and make the necessary payment through a few clicks. It’s just that simple. The rest would be the waiting time for the items to arrive at my doorsteps.

There are many online shopping malls around that have the features for bargainers of all budgets. Most items on sale would have items labeled clearly as brand new or used conditions. That would surely be great for many who love to own something with their money constraints. Hmm… There are some remarkable sales going on in Buy now. Anybody want to join me with some great bargain now?

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?

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