Written by crizlai on Jul 4th, 2009 | Filed under:

There are many moments in our life that got erased from our memories as we grow older and older. Those lost memories would become more obvious when you realize you could not even remember what you had for lunch yesterday. What more your childhood, pre-school, high school, college, university or even your working years? Everyone would have those precious moments that sparkled laughter with full blown happiness but how many of us actually remember well enough to tell our children? Moment by moment, day by day, month by month and year by year, those memories became clear marks in our life. Do all of us have records of all those precious and colorful moments of our lives?
There are 3 must have gadgets in life that I would not forgo – computers, digital cameras and camcorders. With the advancement in technology, more and more of these gadgets had become affordable for many families. Parents had begun to realize the importance of preserving the memories of their children in whatever media they could get their hands on. Frankly speaking, I could not remember much of my carefree childhood years although I had some photographs taken when I was a child. Those were static images then but now I want my children to have more than that. I want them live in action. Many years down the road, they would look back into their growing up years and remember all the wonderful years they had gone through. These recorded images would remain as their nostalgic moment for them to treasure and to share with their own children.
You would have realized too that I had place computers as one of the main gadget in my life. With internet access, that’s also one important gadget in archiving all the memories in the free online diary or should I say blogs. We have Blogger, WordPress, Blogsome and many more that would allow you to record your daily activities. On top of that, you would have many online photo albums such as Flickr, PhotoBucket, etc, that would allow you to store your photos and videos. For those with camcorders, YouTube would be a great place to store your videos to share with everyone on your unforgettable moments. Isn’t it great to have all the state-of-the-art gadgets to make our lives more memorable?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

As a food blogger, I had experienced going for food expedition from early in the morning until late at night. By the end of the day, there were hundreds to thousands of photographs that I had taken throughout the day and it ate up more than one gigabyte of my hard disc space when transferred. Even as an amateur photographer, I had utilized so much of my memory card, what more would you expect from a professional photographer?
Unless you are well equipped with extra batteries and memory cards to store all the shots, do not ever think that one gigabyte would be enough for high resolution photographs. Just look at a simple plate of lamb chop with all the beautifully garnished side dishes and greens in a restaurant that your are reviewing. You would be surprised that you may have taken more than thirty 4Mb or more per shot of all the angles in order to capture the perfect lighting without realizing it. If you were to have 10 different dishes, your one gigabyte memory card would have been overloaded.
In actual fact, one gigabyte of memory card would be able to store barely 250 shots of high resolution photographs. If you have a laptop by your side to store in all the photographs, then you have no worries. But there’s also the risk of being spoilt by means of misplacing, getting damp in wet situation or worst still being left unattended in a hot and humid weather. If you appreciate your work of art well enough, it’s always best to have backups in case of emergencies. Investing in more memory cards would not be a waste. Not only will they be your great partners in your adventurous expeditions, they would also help you store memorable moments that might come once in your life time. Moreover, they are not expensive.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 26th, 2009 | Filed under:

The most exciting trip of my life would be just a month away from now and guessed where it would be this time? It’s going to be a week of fun and relaxing vacation in Hawaii, away from my hectic work schedules. With beautiful sunsets, golden beaches and warm friendly locals, I would surely not miss out the opportunity to take as many photographs as I can for my personal scrapbook project.
With so many potential fun activities around the state of Hawaii with over hundreds of surrounding islands to hop around, I could easily shoot up thousands of beautiful sceneries and landscapes from water activities such as surfing, scuba diving to inland activities such as hiking trip to the volcanoes and visiting pineapple plantations.
Moreover, there are a few must visit islands from the northwest to southeast of the Hawaiian Island chain such as Kauai, Oahu, Maui and many more. Being a water sports enthusiast, I will definitely spend more time in Kauai, the fourth largest island in Hawaii. It is a snorkeling paradise. The clear and unpolluted water surrounding the islands is filled with abundance tropical fishes and reefs, a great place to witness the aquatic bounty of Hawaii indeed.
The only two things I have to worry about now would be the batteries for my camera and the quantity of photographs that I could store in my sd card. With the chances of being out of the hotel most of the time, I guessed I would have to purchase more backup accessories for my digital camera. It’s going to be a trip to remember forever and photographs sure will bring back many fond memories.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Apr 29th, 2008 | Filed under:

I was asked to take in lots of Vitamin B and memory booster such as Gingko Bibola but I could not do so. I was even asked to consume lots of juices and fluids but still I could not. I dare not take the risk of burning myself out. Why? It is because I am not what I am supposed to be. I am the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the much dependable computer. Day in and out, I will be churning out and processing millions of “0” and “1” and this is taxing my brains out.
This clearly proved that the life of a CPU is rather tedious. Without me, the life of human would not be easy too. All the human ever did was to laze around in front of the monitor and busy keying in lots of raw data. Can you imagine me working nonstop inside that small little humid cubicle of mine, sweating away to get those data processed? If I am too slow in getting my work done, I will also be cursed upon without fail. Sometimes I wondered if that human of mine ever care about my health? I will also need my beautiful rest as human do. Multi-tasking and working endlessly for days without having an opportunity to shut my eyes to have a decent rest, have become such a norm in my life.
I often wondered too if that human of mine realized that a little bit of additional assistance will ease my tension. It is so easy and affordable to just head out to the nearest computer shop to get me a new and upgraded brain. If not, I would not mind having another ram brother to help me out during the busiest hours of my life. Work loads will never stop but at least I will get to finish up all my duties in a shorter period of time. The faster work loads get done, the more chances of me getting more rest. After all, a healthier body will surely have a better mind. Don’t you think so?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?