Written by crizlai on Feb 11th, 2009 | Filed under:

Most of us are aware of the term “Eat To Live and Live To Eat”. Eating for the sake of keeping the stomach filled is one thing but not many of us are conscious about eating healthily. The more fatty the meat is the more juice it would contain and the more we would consume without taking heed of how outsized our body proportions would become. This is one habit that some of the food bloggers have until so much so that they tend to have problems getting the right fitting clothes.
For the guys, it won’t be such a hassle as there are still many shops around town selling or tailor-make all those over sized shirts and pants at affordable price. As for the ladies, it would be quite a headache as there are limited shops selling those big sized dresses. To tailor-make one, it could cost many folds the price of a guy’s shirt and pants. Moreover, most of the designs would make them look as if they were on maternity period.
Let’s just not talk about the body size due to obsessive eating. There are also quite a large number of ladies with large body structures. They too have problems finding the right size clothes. If this is the problem, one would also need to get a plus size lingerie and a large percentage of the sizes available are for those slim and sleek bodies. Now that’s a huge problem as those can’t be custom made. I guessed they would have to browse online to seek for their solutions. I’m sure there would be some online shops that would cater for their needs.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 12th, 2009 | Filed under:

If you have the time, try observing those people you walk by carefully. You would see that there are many different ways of walking that will clearly show the characteristic of a person. Some would walk with the chin up to show that they have the confidence to face whatever that would be present of them. Some would slouch as if they have a lot of worries or someone pushing them in their daily lives. Some even took short strides and this would clearly show that they are very indecisive about their surrounding.
From these body movements, you would know the level of confidence in each individual. Which of these two would you project yourself? Do you want to have the confident image in your life or would you like be the one always be indecisive in all the decisions you have to make in life?
It’s not solely on what you wear or the colors of your clothing that would make you a bore amongst your colleagues or friends. It’s how you carry yourself in front of them. Your posture is very important. Lift your chin and walk with your shoulders high, unbent waist with the legs locked. Never slouch or look on the ground as you walk. It would make you look shy and withdrawn. You might even need to get accustomed to shoes such as Manolo Blahnik shoes. Once you are in control of your walking skills in these shoes, you would have already mastered your level of confidence. Wherever you walk, you would feel like some great actresses walking down the walk of fame.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 17th, 2008 | Filed under:

What do you understanding by the meaning of BPM? BPM is the acronym used for Business Process Management or sometimes as Business Performance Management. It is a set of processes that will optimize the business performance of an organization by making efficient use of the available resources such as human resources, financial resources, liquid assets, technologies and so on.
There are many available articles online as well as on books regarding BPM and this useful information is gaining lots of acknowledgements from companies all over the world. Not only would the process help the company in risk analysis, it would also forecast problems right at the root and give out alerts for immediate corrective measurements.
BPM would be useful for companies which are looking seriously into the meeting of the organization’s performance goals as the process would involve continuous feedback loops to ensure that the organization’s business processes are right on track to its strategies and is performing as expectations. Thus, the profits of the company would eventually increase too.
You should check out PROPHIX, the proud recipient of DM Review’s Innovative Solution Award for CPM and named “2008 Midmarket BPM Vendor of the Year” by BPM Partners. They deliver budgeting, forecasting, reporting, consolidation, personnel planning and other financial functions in a single solution. Their software is easy to use with minimal IT involvement which will provide the benefit of rapid implementation and a lower total cost of ownership.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Aug 8th, 2008 | Filed under:

I have quite a number of friends who are involved in some sort of investment one way or another. Some made it big where else some barely made it. What made those people how successful they are in depends on how knowledgeable and technically equipped they are. No all of us have that gift built in us. In fact, those who are successful in futures trading are those risk takers who are very seasoned in this game.
If you are a beginner in this futures trading, I would advice that you get the professional assistance from some of the qualified and experienced brokers easily available in the market. They will surely guide you personally to ensure that you maximized your potential to succeed. There may be many methods on how you can apply in your trading but somehow I felt that the technical way would be quite ideal for many beginners. All you need to do is to have the patience to learn up the tools to familiarize yourself in spotting trends that will give you a better picture of the specific market you are planning to invest in.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 28th, 2008 | Filed under:

It always gets into my nerves when some inconsiderate housemates force unwanted food down the kitchen sink and caused it to clog. Not only will the sink emit unpleasant odor, it will also stall my process of preparing a meal as more and more unwashed dishes get stacked up. I still wonder why some people have that bad habit when the rubbish bin is just a step away. What would you do when you have clogged kitchen sinks or drains in the house? Using harmful chemicals to unclog the kitchen sinks might not be a good idea as that is where we handle all the food we consume, not forgetting the utensils that we wash there daily.
Here are some of the measurements I applied to prevent such happenings. Firstly, I would use a food trapper to trap all the remains from the washing of the dishes and throw the remains into the rubbish bag. With this preventive measurement, I still get some inconsiderate housemates forcing food remains down the pipeline. When will they learn to be more responsible? That’s a big question mark!
Whenever situation like this occur, I would have to think of the next step which is to mix up some non-chemical based solution to flush the food remains down the drain. One of the more commonly used solutions I did was to mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar in a large container and pour fizzing solution quickly down the sink pipeline and left it covered for about 10 minutes. The combined solution will break the fatty acids into soap and glycerine. I would then pour a kettle of boiling water down the pipeline to further flush it down. This method has never failed so far as I have smooth flowing drainage after each application. If you have problems with clogged kitchen sinks or drains, you should try this method out.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?