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applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Apr 29th, 2008 | Filed under: computer, life, memory, rant









I was asked to take in lots of Vitamin B and memory booster such as Gingko Bibola but I could not do so. I was even asked to consume lots of juices and fluids but still I could not. I dare not take the risk of burning myself out. Why? It is because I am not what I am supposed to be. I am the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the much dependable computer. Day in and out, I will be churning out and processing millions of “0” and “1” and this is taxing my brains out.

This clearly proved that the life of a CPU is rather tedious. Without me, the life of human would not be easy too. All the human ever did was to laze around in front of the monitor and busy keying in lots of raw data. Can you imagine me working nonstop inside that small little humid cubicle of mine, sweating away to get those data processed? If I am too slow in getting my work done, I will also be cursed upon without fail. Sometimes I wondered if that human of mine ever care about my health? I will also need my beautiful rest as human do. Multi-tasking and working endlessly for days without having an opportunity to shut my eyes to have a decent rest, have become such a norm in my life.

I often wondered too if that human of mine realized that a little bit of additional assistance will ease my tension. It is so easy and affordable to just head out to the nearest computer shop to get me a new and upgraded brain. If not, I would not mind having another ram brother to help me out during the busiest hours of my life. Work loads will never stop but at least I will get to finish up all my duties in a shorter period of time. The faster work loads get done, the more chances of me getting more rest. After all, a healthier body will surely have a better mind. Don’t you think so?

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?

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