This week’s theme is on NARROW.
This is one NARROW item that we tend not to notice in our daily life.
It is the NARROW lines of a barcode.
We do go shopping for groceries but how many times do we realized
the importance of these small NARROW lines?
Here are the different types of barcodes for your interest:
Numeric-only barcodes
* Codabar: Older code often used in library systems, sometimes in blood banks
* Code 11: Used primarily for labeling telecommunications equipment
* EAN-13: European Article Numbering international retail product code
* EAN-8: Compressed version of EAN code for use on small products
* Industrial 2 of 5: Older code not in common use
* Interleaved 2 of 5: Compact numeric code, widely used in industry, air cargo
* MSI: Variation of the Plessey code commonly used in USA
* Plessey: Older code commonly used for retail shelf marking
* PostNet: Used by U.S. Postal Service for automated mail sorting
* UPC-A: Universal product code seen on almost all retail products in the USA and Canada
* Standard 2 of 5: Older code not in common use
* UPC-E: Compressed version of UPC code for use on small products
Alpha-numeric barcodes
* Code 128: Very capable code, excellent density, high reliability; in very wide use world-wide
* Code 39: General-purpose code in very wide use world-wide
* Code 93: Compact code similar to Code 39
* LOGMARS: Same as Code 39, this is the U.S. Government specification
2-Dimensional barcodes
* PDF417: Excellent for encoding large amounts of data
* DataMatrix: Can hold large amounts of data, especially suited for making very small codes
* Maxicode: Fixed length, used by United Parcel Service for automated package sorting
* QR Code: Used for material control and order confirmation
* Data Code
* Code 49
* 16K
Industry Standards for Barcodes and Labels
* Bookland EAN encodes ISBN numbers, used internationally to mark books
* ISSN and the SISAC Barcode: International Standard Serial Numbering
* OPC: Optical Industry Association barcode for marking retail optical products
* UCC/EAN-128: Widely used data formatting model for Code 128
* UPC Shipping Container Symbol: ITF-14
Have a nice PhotoHunt.
Thank you for your visit and have a nice weekend!

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