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applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Oct 30th, 2009 | Filed under: accessories, computer, life, rant, technology

Shopping has not been easier since the invention of the barcode scanner during the 70’s. Long queues in front of cashiers were somewhat a history now as all the products in the market today have barcodes imprinted on them to enable faster execution of checking out. But there lies a problem as a shop gets bigger with rapid expansion. Hundreds of products would be stacked up on rows and rows of shelves and there are chances that some pricing might not be labeled properly.

I had encountered such problems on many occasions while shopping in a local hypermarket. Sometimes the distance to the cashier just to enquire about the pricing of a product would require quite a long walk. Most of the time I would just put back the item as I hated the hassle of running around for the sake of just wanting to know the price. Since barcode has been so commonly used in our daily life, it pondered me why some of the hypermarkets around are still not providing this service to its consumers.

I won’t think having a barcode scanner within the reach of a consumer would be much burden to the hypermarket. Although some may have a few scattered around, but the quantity might not be enough to cater to the needs of its consumers. I had experienced running few shelves away just to check on the price for a bar of chocolate. Well, it might be a great way to sweat it out before indulging with the rich chocolate bar but that does not necessary mean what others would want. Let’s hope some of these shops would realize the importance of having more barcode scanner around before it’s too late. Happy consumers are surely behind the success of a company.

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