if ( function_exists('register_sidebars') ) register_sidebars(2); ?> IS THAT THE IPAD MINI COVER YOU WANTED? | INSIGHT CRIZ


applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Jun 24th, 2013 | Filed under: mobile, rant


With the advancement in technology and telecommunication today, more and more users are relying on many different types of gadgets, regardless of whether it’s a mobile or a tablet, to communicate with their loved ones outside home. That does not leave out my parents on this matter too. They simply love meddling with their iPad Mini at all hours checking on the latest news and to keep in touch with my nieces overseas.

Let me share with you on one joke I had encountered while trying to choose one iPad Mini cover for my Mum. While showing the black colored iPad Mini cover to my Mum, “Hey Mum, here’s the cover I would want to purchase for your iPad Mini.” My Mum looked at me with wide open eyes, “You think I’m so old, straight and boring? Can’t you get me other a more vibrant color? I’m still young you know?” I was dumbfounded for a few seconds with her feedback.

So the story behind this humorous experience was that we should not always assume that what we thought would be the best for our parents might be to their likings. Thank goodness that there are so many makes of different designs and colors available at the online site for her to choose. In the end, she chose a fluorescent pink cover~ o_O”””””

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