Written by crizlai on Aug 4th, 2009 | Filed under:

It would be great to have someone courteous, pleasant and experience to handle my insurance case if anything bad were to happen to me. I don’t think I would have the knowledge and experience to go through the whole ordeal of getting the paper work done for the claims. Who else could be better assigned the task than the expertise of a Seattle personal injury lawyer? Having more than 5 decades of handling the justice deserved by victims of personal injuries, the Rush, Hannula, Harkins & Kyler, L.L.P. should be one such great law firm to look out for.
The firm had many concrete results over the past decades, making them one of the most sought after for claims such as Medical Malpractice, Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Vehicle Accidents, Worksite / Construction Accidents, Nursing Home Liability, Slip and Fall / Premises Liability, Swimming / Diving Accidents, Maritime Injuries / Boating Accidents, Governmental Liability, Dog Bites / Attacks, Recreation Accidents, Dangerous Products and Insurance Bad Faith / Unfair Conduct.
Don’t worry about the cost on involving their services as their initial consultation is free of charge and they would only get paid for their services if you receive monetary compensation. Let them handle all your legal issues while you concentrate more on your medical care and financial security.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 10th, 2009 | Filed under:

It is great to own some pets to keep the home environment more lively but there are also hiccups when you have just one too many at a time. That was what I found out… the hard way. Initially, I just told myself that having a pair of cats at home would surely make my life happier. Eventually, the two pets had another three kittens joined in the family just a few months later. Well, FIVE pets in the house would still be manageable. Subsequently, two strays came knocking at my front door with that Shrek’s Puss-In-The Boot pathetic looking eyes begging for food. Being a compassionate person, I fed them outside as they were fleas infested.
Just within the next few days, step by step and wit by wit, they managed to gain control over the house, making friends with the rest of the indoor cats. Well, SEVEN is still within my means to get them well fed and comfortable within the house. Out of the blues, the mother cat went out “partying” for a few days and I ended up with another two kittens 2 months later. NINE is quite a crowd but it’s still within my control as all of them had that innocent and well behaved characteristics.
As the kittens began to get older, situations here were rather chaotic. Each day they grew larger and became hyperactive. Day and night, they would be chasing each other endlessly upstairs and downstairs, inside and outside of the room. With all the rough play, they subsequently made a large hole on my plaster based wall. With so many of them within the house, I could not detect who was the culprit. It would well be the big and strong Jeremy or my wild little girl, Jolyn. What else could I do except to drag myself to the nearest material handling store to get that hole patched up? It was no longer fun anymore as there were endless streams of patching and fixing all the time. Although it did eat into quite a noticeable amount in my monthly budget, it’s still a commitment and responsibility I had set upon when I had decided to take care of the welfare of my pets since day one.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 30th, 2008 | Filed under:

How many of you realized that almost any objects that are lying idle in you car could be a deadly weapon? Most of us would go on with our daily lives, thinking that accidents will not happen to us as long as we have our safety belts on. On top of that, tens of millions of autos on the road today have crash tested well and feature air bags and antilock brakes, giving the driver a sense of safety on the road.
You are totally wrong as there are still many more hidden objects that you would not even consider as deadly weapons in case of accidents. Who would realize that with higher speed limits permitted in most countries, unsecured cargoes within the car can cause major impact on the driver as well as the passengers? People are largely unaware of what can happen in collisions. The forces are extreme. After the collision outside, there are always collisions inside. Both can wreak havoc.
In a crash, any object with an edge can become a blade while blunt objects can become sledgehammers. Do you know that a plastic card lying loosely on your dashboard could slash through your neck during high impact? Even a half finished bottle of mineral water could give out such an impact on the head to cause brain damage. What about golf clubs, tennis racquets or even an uncapped ball pen? In a crash, any of these objects could turn into a deadly projectile.
It’s easily said than done as most of us have the habit of throwing practically anything at our back seats. Just look at the number of cars you have been into with no secured cargoes. I’m quite sure the answers to your little survey would be rather scary only a minority of car owners would leave their car spotlessly clean with no loose objects. No matter what, get a car insurance quote from your nearest insurance agency as you may not know what would happen when you least expected.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 12th, 2008 | Filed under:

With traffic jams in and out of the city all the time, I would sometimes travel out on a motorcycle to run some of my errands. There was this time when the sky suddenly turned gloomy without any warning while I was a few miles away from my office. Being aware of the situation then, I quickly finished whatever urgent that needed to be done and rushed back to my office.
As I was on my way back, strong wind began to gather and dust was all over the road. The trees were swaying angrily and the loose leaves were forming little twisters all the way. Suddenly, I had an impact on my face and almost skidded onto the rows of cars along the road. Being a careful and alert driver, I managed to control my motorcycle and stopped by the roadside to inspect on the damage. My face was injured with blood oozing out thickly.
I realized that a twig had fallen down from the swaying trees and collided onto my face. I was lucky to be wearing a pair of eyeglasses then. If not, I would be blinded for the rest of my life. The impact was so great that it even cracked my eyeglasses. Thanks God I am one who would wear protective eyeglasses whenever I am on a motorcycle. It just saved my eye sight!
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 20th, 2008 | Filed under:

I could still remember vividly that night when it happened. I was on a bike and had a collision with a dog on the road. The dog appeared be unharmed and ran away but I ended up be flung onto the road with bruises and swell on my right hand and right ankle. There was not much blood as I was wearing a long sleeves jacket and jeans on that night. Luckily I was not speeding and there were no oncoming cars or else I would be in heaven by now.
I was still able to walk although the weight of my big bike was right on top of my right ankle, and visited the nearest clinic. My face was all green from the mild shock I had when the doctor checked on my wounds. Bodily aches and pain crept in not long after that and the doctor prescribed Nurofen 400 to me as well as some Acriflavine to apply on the wound.
Everything was fine until I took the medication provided by the doctor. I thought being a bit drowsy was fine but it got worst. The world was twirling and swirling right in front of my eyes. My eyes became watery and itchy and my face was swollen. I tried to get up many times but was pinned down by the heaviness I felt on the head. It was like a living hell as I had to suffer for a whole day before the side effect went off.
I was again lucky to be alive. I found out through another doctor friend of mine that I had experienced an allergy reaction to NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and the culprit is ibuprofen which was in the Nurofen tablets that I had consumed. Can you imagine the danger of not knowing what was in the medicine when you are staying alone? From then onwards, I studied and worked closely with an allergist on the drugs that I am sensitive to and got the list engraved on a medical bracelet. I might have escaped death this time but I might not be so lucky the next time.
If you have history of severe reactions because of drug allergy or aspirin sensitivity, it is advisable that you wear one of the assortments of medical id bracelets easily available in the market. This is to ensure that in cases of emergencies, the attending personnel will be alerted on the medications that you are allergic to.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?