Written by crizlai on Jul 26th, 2008 | Filed under:

I will spend my time hunting for great food within my small island of Penang during most of my weekends and blog about it to share with my readers. Many people inclusive our local Penangites were not aware that some little corners of the island can have some of the best food and atmosphere around that even a 5-star hotel would not be able to provide. In fact, the pricing for the food could well save most of us quite a bomb.
Having too much food and fun outside from home most of the time can be quite unhealthy for my ever increasing weight. Sometimes, I will just dig into some great recipes and get some healthy food prepared for my family during weekends. Firstly, I can save a lot of time and money in driving out with the price increase in fuel. Secondly, I can gather the whole family and friends under one roof to have a mini weekend gathering.
I sure did have lots of fun time to show my culinary skills. Maybe some of you can also plan some of these wonderful experiences by coming out with great food to impress your friends and family.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 26th, 2008 | Filed under:

I have written earlier about “HOW WOULD YOU FACE DEATH?” regarding how I admired Professor Randy Pausch for his courage to face death with a positive attitude. His positive attitude had inspired me to look at life at a different prospect and spent more time with the people closest to me. Life is so unpredictable but death is certain.
Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday at his home in Chesapeake, Va at the age of 47. Although he knew that he was given 3-6 months’ to live after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August 15th, 2007, he managed to extend his life further to spent his remaining days with his family. What a brave and committed husband and father. I am touched by his will power to push his life so far.
He once said, “I don’t know how to not have fun,” “I’m dying and I’m having fun. And I’m going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there’s no other way to play it.” He indeed had fun for almost a year since he received the shocking news about his cancer. On Feb. 15, exactly six months after he was told he had three to six months of healthy living left, Pausch posted a photo of himself to show he was “still alive & healthy.” In May, Pausch spoke at Carnegie Mellon’s commencement ceremonies, telling graduates that what mattered was he could look back and say, “pretty much any time I got a chance to do something cool, I tried to grab for it, and that’s where my solace comes from.” “We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully,” he said.
My deepest condolences to Randy’s wife, Jai, his three children, Dylan, Logan and Chloe; his mother, Virginia Pausch of Columbia, Md.; and his sister, Tamara Mason of Lynchburg, Va. Randy had touched not only my heart but the hearts of many from all over the world. May his soul rest in peace.
You can get more information on Randy Pausch in the news here.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 9th, 2008 | Filed under:

When was the last time you ever contacted your Dad? Have you even notice that he has aged a lot. Did you give him a hug recently? Do you realize that this coming Sunday, 15 June 2008 is Fathers’ Day? If you have not done so, please go over to pay him a visit not only this Sunday but many days after that. All fathers, whether they are your biological one, adopted one or even someone you respect as a father figure, would love to get at least some acknowledgments.
Some of you may choose to spend this special day with your father by buying him gifts, cook something special for him or even take him out for a nice meal. When it comes to deciding what sort of gift for him, many of us will be stressed out as shopping for some fathers could be rather hard. Gifts for fathers should reflect the personality of the father. It could also be something that can bring back memories of the bond between you and your father. As for me, I would prefer to give my father a red packet as in the Chinese custom. It symbolizes longevity, health and prosperity. At least he can spend the amount on whatever he wants. Some will give him some shopping vouchers, vacation tickets or even engraved pens if he is still in the corporate world.
Not all fathers are so materialistic as to demand for something of monetary value. There are many things that he cannot do physically now and a simple gesture of helping in household chores would be of value to him. They do not expect much from their children since most of them have grown up and have their own lives. A simple gesture of a long loving hug and some quality time spent together will be much appreciated.
Fathers are also human beings with feelings. He will feel unappreciated for the sacrifices he has made throughout your growing up years. Do not make your father feel so inferior in his life for feeling the rejection from you. Show him what you can do by showering him with your endless love. Let him know that he is always being remembered by you. Prove to him that you are still a filial child not only on Fathers’ Day but also for many years to come.
I love you Dad…Happy Fathers’ Day
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2008 | Filed under:

It has been said that too much of anything is bad to a person physically and mentally. I would not agree less to that statement. Did you ever realize that whatever we consume or do, will subsequently affect our body and mind, if taken or done excessively?
Take the case of obesity. Munching, chomping, biting into food practically every minute of the day is healthy? If a person knew how to limit his daily food consumption, he would not end up as an obese. Subsequently, there would be lesser obese related illness coming in and ruin his whole health system.
What about the importance of a family? If a person knew how to plan his life without letting his over success stricken thoughts controlling over his mind and body, he would have a happier family without them worrying about ignorance. This has happened to a large number of rich families where the parents totally do not have any time for their children.
What about having some time off for leisure purposes? It is healthy to go for some physically sports but straining the body to go beyond the limit might not be good news to the heart. Some might consider trying out their skills in some cyber games but I have encountered quite a number that are so addicted to playing the games that they would ignore their duties. Do you think that sitting in front of a computer and staring at the screen for a log period of time will be good to the eyes? What more ignoring the stipulated hours to have their main meals.
The worst of the many addictions still fall into the drugs category. It is believe that 5% of the world’s population consumes illicit drugs per year. Drugs are created for therapeutic and medical applications but many have abused them to satisfy their sensual pleasures. It was also known that some clubs in certain countries even legalize its usage, if taken in certain stipulated amount approved by the government. Do you think that a person will behave and abide to the law if drugs are sold so freely? Do you even think setting up a drug treatment center will be enough in treating and reducing the quantity of addicts then? I would say no.
Addiction is a witch to the body, a devil to the mind, a thief to the pocket and a self murderer to a person’s health and happiness. There is nothing great about being addicted to anything except for the physical and moral degradation of a person.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Apr 29th, 2008 | Filed under:

Have you ever wondered if your house is really safe for the health of your loved ones, especially your children who would be the future leaders of the world? If you have the chance to view all the surfaces of your floor, beds and sofas, you would be shocked to see all sorts of microscopic creatures running about freely. What are they? They are dust mites, bed bugs, mold, fleas, germs, bacteria and many more that could be of danger to the health of anyone if exposed for a longer period of time.
What would you do to rectify these problems? Most people would just get solutions off the shelves, mostly of chemical substances without thinking that it would be hazardous to the health if overly used. What would be the next alternative be? Well, I had no regret using the ultimate cleaning equipment of the future as not only are the applications easy, it is chemical free and environmentally friendly.
Have you heard of vapor steam cleaners before? They have been in existence for a number of decades and are now gaining popularity in the world as many people are moving towards the concept of living in a healthier environment. This is one of the highest electrical standards ever created for any electrical equipments and it is CE certified.
What are vapor steam cleaners? It is a wonderful equipment that will generate steam in an internal boiler, creating super heated pure steam vapor that would be use to treat any affected surfaces without having a big wet mess. Intense heat is believed to kill all unwanted organisms that hid in places that you would least have expected. Can you imagine how much more safe your house would be without those? Do check on this innovational product for a safer, healthier and cleaner environment for everyone in your household today.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?