Written by crizlai on Jan 16th, 2011 | Filed under:
weight loss

I have been consuming too much of good food recently and it had shown quite obviously through my waist line. That would surely not be a great sign to be in great shape. Sickness would indeed hit me when I least expected. It could well be a great blow to my future. I think it’s about time I go on a strict diet plan but would that alone help me to stay healthy always? I’m not sure about that. I might need to try other alternatives as well to ensure that I would always have an energetic life and a strong immune system.
Should I go for a colon cleansing product? The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks had used alternative medical therapy to remove feces and nonspecific toxins from the colon and intestinal tract. It was believed that toxins from your gastrointestinal tract can cause a variety of health problems. By getting rid of the toxins, it would somehow help in promoting better health. Thus, it would also reduce some weights in the long run. I was kind of skeptical how this method of detoxification would help me since there are a few methods involved in colon cleanse, by special equipments through hydrotherapy or in form of dietary supplements.
Somehow by checking through one of the recommended colon cleanse product in the market, I found out that the latter method seemed to be well accepted by the public. That product has one major ingredient that I have heard so much about – Psyllium Husks. Originated from the India and Pakistan region, these husks had higher fiber content than oat bran. The husks are soluble and would enhance the lipid and sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, it would effectively helps in reducing the body weight. Cool! That should be great for some weight loss now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 16th, 2011 | Filed under:
weight loss

Being born in a state famous for its great food does have a side effect on me. Somehow, I lacked the discipline to control my food intake. Who could have resisted all the delicious food around each loops and corners of the streets? No matter where I go, I would surely have something in my hands and busily biting or munching away. Now all my friends are beginning to take note of the big bulge from my tummy. Even my Mom has been complaining, “Hey! You better get rid of that big tummy of yours or you will be having lots of health issues later.”
That statement got me worried as I indeed had some health issues now. I would easily get tired and sleepy even during day time. Frequent chest pains and backaches might be some symptoms to watch out for. If I don’t take care of my weight now, it might lead to other major disease such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, cancer, constipation, dyslipidaemia, osteoarthritis and many other scientific names that scared the hell out of me.
I did try to get some exercises but eventually the moods and motivation to maintain dies off as fast as it started. There are so many brands of diet pills from all over the world lying on my table now but none gave me the results as I would have expected them to do so. I really need some top diet pills that really work right now. It’s time I should get my health back to the tip top condition it once used to be.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 14th, 2011 | Filed under:

Tap… tap… tap… tap… tap… ka… chink… Can you still remember how dreadful it was to go groceries shopping during peak periods in the old days? Those were the sound of the old cash register being manned by a weary looking cashier. I can imagine the stress the cashier would be in each day, having to manually key in the price of each items, especially those with huge purchases. It might be quite a norm then but still most customers do not have the patience to be caught in tens of minutes of long queues.
Today, with the foresight of good customer relationship companies, more counters are being opened up to ease the queues. Moreover, barcodes are so widely used on all products now to lessen the input time. All the cashier need is a POSGUYS to send the data into the system to be computed on the receipt with the total amount needed to pay. It’s as simple as that.
With the advancement of technology, more people would have saved up a great deal of time. Thus, life can be less stressful. More time can be spent with your loved ones to nurture a closer relationship.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 14th, 2011 | Filed under:

With so many social networks available through the internet nowadays, you can practically find a steadily increase in the number of social games almost in any site you pop in. Social games are becoming a key aspect in people’s lives. About 60% of the social network users had at least got themselves involved in a social game, with more than two thirds started at the beginning of last year. Most of the social gamers were introduced through the mode of heavily promoted advertisements within the social networks, followed by a substantial numbers being drawn in by their social network friends.
From a survey, it was learned that two thirds of the social gamers play at least 2-3 games per week. One third of them play at least a game daily with a quarter of them logging into their game account several times daily. Surprisingly, those golden aged group surpassed the teen and middle aged group in social gaming. I guessed they have more time in hand after retiring from their jobs. Amongst those social gamers, 70% of them are playing for fun or to kill time, 25% of them play to compete with friends while one fifth plays to relieve stress.
From the current trend of social gamers, it looks as if social games would be here for a long time since there’s a significant growth in the computer games development market within these few short years. This is becoming a reality as no matter where you go, whether in subways, colleges, offices or homes, you can easily spot people playing social games on their laptop computers, tablets or mobiles.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 13th, 2011 | Filed under:

If you were to be given a chance to choose a location anywhere throughout the world to build your dream home, where would you think that would be? That’s the question I have always asked myself. With money not being an issue, I could always choose a pent house unit overseeing the whole city but that would not be what I had in mind. I have always dreamed of being somewhat closer to nature but staying in a jungle in South Africa or Amazon would surely not be my preference as I can’t go without any technological equipments. Costa Rica has tropical climate and great beaches overseeing the Caribbean Seas but most of these remote areas have no proper road access.
That left me with two options to choose from. It’s either Seychelles, an island nation, northeast of Madagascar and east of Kenya or Maldives, another island nation located in the southwest of Sri Lanka. Both have 3 shades of blue sea water all over the hundreds of coral enriched islands. This would be a real hard decision as both the nations have rich underwater kingdom. I won’t mind swimming in the crystal clear water while exploring more of the “rainforests” of these “underground safari”.
Hmm… an idea just struck my mind. I might even plan to set up two identical dream homes at both locations. Gosh! I suddenly felt that I’m so greedy but who could resist the beauty of the scenery daily? Moreover, the richness of the marine lives would be incompatible to anywhere around the world. If I ever get bored of wetting myself, I could easily view all my underwater recordings through my ever faithful Samsung HDTV.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?