Written by crizlai on Nov 29th, 2008 | Filed under:
I had written earlier in Home Improvements Part 1 on how to get the best out of limited space in your new home. Let’s look more onto those areas for relaxation today such as your sitting room. Other than the normal space saving sofas which you could easily source from those furniture shops around your town, try finding one single that has the multi-purpose usage to your preferences. For example, let’s look at one such furniture as shown below. Not only will you be able to use that as your reading chair, you can even adjust your body to the high tech body curve built of the chair for some siesta.

If you have a patio or sliding door for some sunlight to shine in, you can even set up your own indoor sundeck chair. I’m sure you would want something that looks simple and yet elegant. Try finding something that is real artistic and won’t get out of date. Would you like this one?

Where else do you think you relax most? Would that be your own cubicle in the most private part of your house? Bingo! That’s right! It’s your bathroom where you deal with most of your nature’s business. I have seen bathrooms with so much wastage of space before in large mansion. Is that a necessity? Well, those could well meant for the rich and famous but as commoners that would not be a must have. With limited space in a bathroom, even installing a basin, a toilet bowl with a bathing area would be such a headache. Thanks to the innovation of a genius, nothing would be impossible now. Maybe I would try this too. It’s too cool to resist!

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 17th, 2008 | Filed under:

I have been practically eating luxuriously for all the meals in a day and totally ignored the increased size of my body until my doctor warned me about the possibility of getting a heart failure. I wanted to reduce my weight drastically but each time I gave excuses and followed by more excuses that I have been too busy with my work. Somehow the excuses got me to be lazier and lazier as each day passed by.
With my heavy schedule, I had searched for some weight loss supplements that could help me but I ended up with millions of proposals. It’s rather confusing as some of them promised to reduce my weight in the shortest period but then there was no physical proof at all. It was not until I stumbled upon one site that did not only help me but recommended a few products that would.
Eventually, I chose one of the most recommended products – Apidexin. It is a powerful and scientifically tested fat burner product that uses 8 cutting edge diet and weight loss ingredients. The good news is that it is also backed by a money back satisfaction guarantee. Cool! My woes had been solved.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 15th, 2008 | Filed under:

It is Christmas time again just around the corner where we deck the halls with red and green, gold and silver, tinsels and mistletoes of every color. There will be snow and sleet in other parts of the world but here we celebrate under the beauty of the tropical sun. However, the spirit of Christmas is still prevalent with many shopping malls bringing out their grandest and tallest Christmas trees. This is the season of shine and glitter. It is also the season of spreading peace, love and joy throughout the world.
Christmas has always been a season where extra care and special thoughts are part and parcel of the celebration. The painstaking of choosing, buying and wrapping every single gift is the cherished effort that both giver and receiver are delighted and happy. There are so many types of gifts within everyone’s budget available in shopping malls as well as online gift shops. What should I get for my loved ones this year?<
Every since I had watched a Taiwanese movie where this guy had an alarm clock with his father’s voice which sounded like “Chip chip chip… XXXX… Time to wake up”, I had been trying real hard to get one for myself as well as for my loved one but without avail. The next alternative I sourced online was some talking watches that can tell the time in clear voices. These could be a real cool Christmas gifts too. I think I would purchase a set of “His & Hers”. Don’t you think this would be ideal for couples like us?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 13th, 2008 | Filed under:

In this modern era, more and more people are beginning to be aware of the necessity of staying healthy. Even our diets were no longer as high cholesterol as they used to be. Our food consumptions can be monitored but somehow we could not avoid the signs of old age. As we get older, pains on all parts of our bodies tend to spring out mysteriously. Isn’t it quite normal to get arthritis, muscle pain, headaches, tendonitis, back pain and many other conditions as age catches up with us?
Most of those affected would somehow seek medical consultation to help ease the pains without realizing that too much of pain killers would somehow affect the nervous systems. I for one had experience the side effects of being in daze most of the time and lack of alertness.
There exists one powerful magnetic hematite beaded product that would help in solving your problems. These fashionable yet finely made copper or stainless steel products comes in many sizes with a quality selection meant for all parts of your body including your wrist, palm, head, knee or even the waist. The products had helped millions from all over the world with these conditions. It may help you as well. Why don’t you check out the magnetic bracelets, anklets and necklaces that are widely available on the market? After all, health is very important in our daily life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 10th, 2008 | Filed under:

There are twenty one countries along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea such as Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Which one should I visit to have an enjoyable and mind relaxing holiday?
I have checked with all the Mediterranean cruises that are available online and found Turkey to be quite interesting since the country sits mainly in Asia and partially in Europe. The Eastern Mediterranean cruises which focused on Italy, Greece, Turkey and cities along the Adriatic should be fun as I would also have ample time to visit those historical landmarks of Rome, Venice and Athens.
As a frequent seafarer, I would love to visit those beautiful ports and beaches that are available in the countries. I have heard so much and hope that I have the opportunity to visit Antalya, a city at the southwestern part of Turkey. The city on a cliff oversees the horizon of the Mediterranean Sea. What a great place for witnessing the sunrise and sunset in the city. I hope I can also get to visit Kas, a small fishing, yachting and tourist town and get some presents for my angling buddies.
I’m getting real excited now as I had booked my tickets with Costa Cruise Lines and my trip is scheduled to be in early January 2009. Hooray! Going for 11 days of cruise has always been my dream.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?