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applying love in our life

Archive for the ‘life’ Category


Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2008 | Filed under: books, life, mind, priority, review, tips










“There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don’t know about it, that’s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of what’s going on inside you.” – T. Harv Eker

It is undeniable that trying to be rich is what most people will have in their minds all the time but thinking without actions will be useless. Will attending courses, seminars, listening to CDs and reading the hundreds of books available in the market really help a person to achieve his dream? In my opinion, it does help when a person have the motivation to succeed in life but how long will this short blast of energy sustain? Most of the time, he will end up where he had started – Square One.

As T. Harv Eker had stated, “If your subconscious FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is not SET for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, nothing you do will make much a difference.” Isn’t this statement so true in our lives? Throughout our growing up years, we tried to be successful, just to prove to our parents and others that we can make it. Most of the time, we would encounter more failures and short term successes that we can ever keep track of. No matter how hard we had tried and the long hours we had put into, things just never work out well. Don’t you feel stressful seeing others in the same business soaring successfully while you are in your office “catching flies with a pair of chopsticks”?

It is all in the mind as I had always said. Rich people, middle class and poor people think differently. Rich people would not give up until they had seen their first million, middle class people would just pull through just to make ends meet, whereas poor people would hardly take any actions in improving their lives further. Unless and until the mindset of a person is changed to be successful, nothing will work well. How do I know this? It is because I purchased and read a lot of best selling books on the ways to be successful in life.

You can google on T. Harv Eker and his Millionaire Mind Intensive books and seminars to find out how he has helped thousands of his students and businesses to jump out from their “leaks” in their “toolboxes” to be successful in life.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?


Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2008 | Filed under: family, friends, health, life, medical, rant










It has been said that too much of anything is bad to a person physically and mentally. I would not agree less to that statement. Did you ever realize that whatever we consume or do, will subsequently affect our body and mind, if taken or done excessively?

Take the case of obesity. Munching, chomping, biting into food practically every minute of the day is healthy? If a person knew how to limit his daily food consumption, he would not end up as an obese. Subsequently, there would be lesser obese related illness coming in and ruin his whole health system.

What about the importance of a family? If a person knew how to plan his life without letting his over success stricken thoughts controlling over his mind and body, he would have a happier family without them worrying about ignorance. This has happened to a large number of rich families where the parents totally do not have any time for their children.

What about having some time off for leisure purposes? It is healthy to go for some physically sports but straining the body to go beyond the limit might not be good news to the heart. Some might consider trying out their skills in some cyber games but I have encountered quite a number that are so addicted to playing the games that they would ignore their duties. Do you think that sitting in front of a computer and staring at the screen for a log period of time will be good to the eyes? What more ignoring the stipulated hours to have their main meals.

The worst of the many addictions still fall into the drugs category. It is believe that 5% of the world’s population consumes illicit drugs per year. Drugs are created for therapeutic and medical applications but many have abused them to satisfy their sensual pleasures. It was also known that some clubs in certain countries even legalize its usage, if taken in certain stipulated amount approved by the government. Do you think that a person will behave and abide to the law if drugs are sold so freely? Do you even think setting up a drug treatment center will be enough in treating and reducing the quantity of addicts then? I would say no.

Addiction is a witch to the body, a devil to the mind, a thief to the pocket and a self murderer to a person’s health and happiness. There is nothing great about being addicted to anything except for the physical and moral degradation of a person.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?


Written by crizlai on May 9th, 2008 | Filed under: dogs, faith, life, love, pets, rant

That is the question I have been asking many people who have given up hope for a better life. The reason is that those people refused to adapt to the changes in their life although they had been given the opportunity to do so. All it takes is to change their mind sets, fill it up with a little self discipline, self motivation and self development to survive comfortably in the ever challenging world of ours. If others can be successful in life, why can’t we? There is something definitely not on the right track in their life journeys.









Just look at the case of Faith, a dog who was condemned to the furnace. If a dog has not given up hope, will power, determination and faith in surviving, why should we as a human think that we are useless? Sometimes, I wonder whether those pessimists had taken the time to analyze what had gone wrong in their life. Time is what they have and time is what they have been using carelessly away by not finding any solutions. If a person is unemployed and having financial woes, sitting at home and not doing his part in finding a job is pointless. Money would surely not drop from the heaven or grow on trees unless a person earns it through legal means.

Coming back to the case of Faith the bipedal dog, five years of having to live by having two feet to support its body is something to be amazed with. She is a Labrador-Chow Chow mix breed female dog and was born in December 2002 with only 3 legs. Its left front leg was amputated at 7-months old when it was found to be deformed and useless. With some compassions from the Stringfellow family and constant hardship of training by a canine trainer, she survived the oddity of life by proving that even a handicapped dog can make his own life better. Why not us?









Faith had visited many schools and taught the children on empathy and raising funds for stray animals. At least she has a mission in life. Do we?









A book has been published about Faith entitled “With a Little Faith”. If you check through YouTube, you can see Faith and her owner, Jude Stringfellow, featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Montel Williams Show as well as Ripley’s Believe it or Not. You can learn more about Faith at faiththedog.net

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?


Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2008 | Filed under: home, life, living









When decorating a house, the amount of light allowed to enter an area, be it the living room, bedroom, kitchen or even bathroom, plays an important role of setting the mood right. Happy moods are what most family would want for a great and harmonious home.

Curtains, simple as it may be, set the ambience of a room giving it life, providing it with tones and promotes creativity. However, a few more things such as window glasses, vinyl shutters must also be taken into considerations as they are stylish, and come in different designs and colors.

Being thematic in choosing the right material to suit your windows is another way of getting the best out of your room. Having a tinted glass and a blackout curtain may sound like the trend of today but it does not really enhance the mood of your bedroom. It may seem practical for your own privacy but you would not want to sleep and wake up every morning in a black room right?

You should consider getting vinyl shutters as not only are they durable, maintenance free, and heavy duty, they come in many different colors to brighten up your room. Moreover, with the openings, you can still get light into the room and at the same time protect your privacy. Do not forget that your home is also part of your life. Blanket it with thick curtains and dark glasses will block the light from brightening up your life naturally.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?


Written by crizlai on Apr 30th, 2008 | Filed under: diet, exercise, health, home, life, rant









I was down with fever for 10 days just a few weeks ago and I lost 15lbs. I was happy with the lost but this is not what I should be doing. I should not be torturing the weak body to sustain more injuries in the future. A healthy body would not get sick so easily. To rectify the problem, I started taking in more nutrients and healthy diets. The longer I went into the non-meat diet, the more I longed for those fatty steaks and burgers.

Within a few days of forcing myself into those supplements which I considered tasteless now, I went into food blogging and ended up eating more lavish and fat content food. I gained more pounds than I ever expected. After every meal, I will laze about not doing anything and the body just bloated up like nobody’s business. Each time I tried to motivate myself to get out of the house to have some exercise, I would just stumble back onto my chair thinking of where to go next for more delicious food.

I thought this is life but I got the perception all wrongly planned. I got weaker and lazier as the time went by. Seeing this situation and how bad a shape I was in, my friend dragged me to the gym for a few days. Initially, it was fun but subsequently after the muscle cramp from each session, I gave up. I also hated the trouble of dressing up in nice sportswear and drive all the way to the gym under such hot humid weather.

Finally, I thought of another way to get those fat burned off in the comfort of my home. I bought myself one of those viewpoint treadmills that combined entertainment and at the same time make me exercise for a fitter body. Not only did I get to monitor my workout progress through the 7” built-in flat screen but at the same time I get to do what I love most – watching my favorite movies through iPod with Theater Quality Sound System. Now this is what I call life and I have never regretted getting such wonderful exercising equipment. If I can do it with ease, why can’t you?

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?

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